Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time has a new trailer dubbed “Pulling the Heist”, which gives a deeper look into one of the missions that will feature in the game.
Thieves in Time revolves around the search for Sly's family secrets, which apparently disappear right off the pages of his book. To get them back, he and his team have to travel back in time to search out some of Sly's ancestors, which means plenty of different locations and time periods; think multiple cartoony Assassin's Creed games in one.
The first mission sees Sly and the rest head to Feudal Japan, a time period often found in movies set in the country. We get to see the kinds of things Sly and his friends will have to do to successfully carry out their mission: Bentley creates a remote-controlled car equipped with a microphone that is steered after the antagonist in this time period to spy on him, Sly pickpockets a guard for his uniform so that he can disguise himself as “Samurai Sly”, and Murray dresses up as a geisha to distract the guards. The latter appears to involve a dancing mini game – you have been warned.
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time was delayed last year, but is now set to launch on February 5th in the US and (annoyingly) March 29th in the UK. A demo will be available to PS Plus subscribers on January 22nd, and to everybody else on the 29th.