According to SingularityHub, London-based company Captive Media has raised $700k from investors to go forward with their plan to put hi-definition screens that play games in Europe.
Worried about hygiene? Don't, the system is hands free. So how do you input any commands? Working by using a display angled for easy viewing with an infrared sensor, the console detects the direction flow of a user's urine stream…and takes it as input. Captive Media has figured out it takes about 60 seconds for a man to empty his bladder and thusly will fill those 60 seconds with interactive games and ads. The games include a racing game and trivia, and apparently the system helps men aim better too, making for less mess.
So what about women? We get the joy of touch-based systems in our restrooms. So somehow I bet it won't be quite as successful as the men's.
Sound crazy? A number of systems have already been installed across the UK. If you get lucky, you can find them in France, Ireland, Italy and Spain during their testing phase. The company wants to bring the systems to even more places like Austria, Denmark and the Netherlands. And, don't worry if you're American, Wired states the US is part of the plan as well. You can expect to see these systems in places like bars, hotels, shopping malls and even workplaces.
And if you’re still skeptical, you should know that Sony already thought of doing this back last year and released its own similar system called the Toylet in Tokyo. You could even download high scores onto a flash drives.
It sounds like something straight out of a science-fiction movie, but if they make money for advertisers the way Captive Media claims they can (with an average of 45 to 75% recall rate of ads), then I think we can expect to see the consoles and other electronics like them become an everyday thing.