X-Com took Amazon.com by surprise. Actually, it took everyone by surprise and it has been a fun game to see play out on Twitter, Facebook, and in social circles as well. I don't think I ever thought I would be excited to hear about how I died from my friends. This is why it came as a surprise to hear that the first DLC for X-Com will feature a named, un-changable character.
The first DLC is named "Slingshot" (in reference to David and Goliath). In this 3-part mission, players will be given an opportunity to take down a massive ship floating over China. The rumors are that this will allow you to reach certain aspects of the game that were typically reserved for the end – the Blaster Launcher and the Fusion Lance.
Slingshot's release date has not been set yet but the Pre-order DLC that allows players to customize their soldiers' colors, hair-styles, and facial features is available now on X-Box Live and PSN for around $5.