Mass Effect: Andromeda Screenshots Display a Downgrade?
Did Bioware downgrade Andromeda?
Did Bioware downgrade Andromeda?
The game will be coming to PC and 'other consoles'.
Sounds pretty intriguing.
Supply Drops, cameos, map variant, and potentially a free new playable character.
Developers attempt to bring further balance within the game.
Ubisoft banning players for AFK farming.
Here's how much storage space you're going to need.
Deadbeat Heroes will be published for PC and Xbox One.
The guardian of Numbani will arrive on March 21st.
Grab Assasins Creed: Syndicate, The BioShock Collection or Farcry Primal at discounted rates!
Episode three launches at the end of the month!
BioWare is adding free post-launch DLC to Mass Effect: Andromeda's digital retail editions.
"You don't have to play multiplayer at all if you don't want to."
This announcement comes via UpUpDownDown, who got to tour NetherRealm Studios and test out Firestorm.
But it doesn't let you pre-order yet.
How long can Ghost Recon hold the fort for?
"Platinum maintains its luster forever."
Amazon, thanks for blessing us.
Lookin' good Bioware
This top-down shooter is slated for a PC release this spring.
It's a little more serious than we thought