Vita Memory Cards Officially Priced
Stop the press! GameStop in misprice announcement shocker!
Stop the press! GameStop in misprice announcement shocker!
OnLive is a fantastic service for the people with a connection strong enough to use it. But how can they adjust to the mobile market?
Seb Wuepper writes about how he came to love and understand Dark Souls for all it has to offer.
John Vanderhoef has put together a feature that combines his love for creative writing with his love for video games, which talks about the year in review in the form of prose poetry.
Gears of War 3 gets even bigger with the release of a new DLC called Fenix Rising.
Facebook has revealed their most popular games for 2011, and the results might surprise you.
You know, you’d think after proving they have a bad tendency of being out of touch and technologically illiterate with that whole SOPA thing, U.S. Political figures might try to work on not coming off as dinosaurs. U.S. Senator Tom Coburn is running the whole angle into the ground, claiming video game funding is ‘outlandish.’
Australian and New Zealand gamers who were looking forward to the Old Republic felt a little bit ripped off when it was announced EA wouldn’t be committing to an Australian or New Zealand release date. Good news is, though, that we’ve finally got one.
Make Skyrim look better than ever before with this new graphics mod
So, you and that special someone play Team Fortress 2 quite a bit, and you’ve decided it’s time to take the leap. But how do you propose? A sanvich? A hat? Don’t stress - Valve has you covered with an in-game engagement ring.
A first look of SSX has been released by EA, showcasing the game's snowy environments.
Xbox Live players are set to get a new batch of content for Modern Warfare 3.
The Old Republic is extremely successful so far, with a highly successful beta, early access and launch. But what if BioWare had gone with something different? Something like, say, Game of Thrones.
The incongruities with the Legend of Zelda timeline can be finally settled with the release of an official timeline from Nintendo.
Now that the hype around main entries Final Fantasy XIII and XIV has died down, Square may almost be ready to announce the next major title in the series.
Direct2Drive, the respected digital distribution service, is being moved to GameFly.
If you’ve always wanted to be credited or featured in a video game without actually doing any of the hard work associated with the game, you might want to check out this neat contest Zen Studios has going.
Holy guacamole! Could it be? A legitimate Half Life 3 website? Oh my god I can barely contain my joy, don’t hurt me again, Valve!
The first ever trailer for the Game of Thrones RPG has been revealed.
While Dragon Age 2 could have been a lot worse, many feel it could have been a lot better. BioWare has taken note of feedback, and say they’re looking to draw from Skyrim.
You probably remember hearing very recently that the new Syndicate reboot was banned in Australia. Well, EA’s spoken up about the banning, and it’s not good news for Syndicate fans at all.