Re-casting the Mass Effect 3 Voice Actors For Maximum Sexiness. You’re Welcome.
Kiala recasts the cast of Mass Effect 3 for maximum sex appeal.
Kiala recasts the cast of Mass Effect 3 for maximum sex appeal.
It's been a long time coming, but Bungie is finally moving on from their last connection to the Halo franchise.
Polytron's mind-bending platformer is nearly ready for release.
A new trailer for NeverDead reveals the protagonist's origin story, and how he came to be immortal.
A trailer celebrating the release of the latest Final Fantasy title is now online, in addition to DLC information.
They're touting it as "the most cross-platformish bundle we've ever done."
If the publisher's stock price doesn't spend 10 consecutive days above $1, they could be removed from the exchange.
Buy the game on 360 and you'll be able to play a slice of Resident Evil 6 on July 3.
The voice cast has been revealed with Seth Green and Keith DAvid making a return
No game modes or content will be locked away behind the code, though only those with a pass can earn credits online.
A "cinematic like texture" option is in development.
Somebody complained about the PS3 getting all the love for Street Fighter X Tekken and Capcom have responded: "We love Xbox users."
Dead Island is no longer outright banned in Germany, although it is still indexed and can't be advetised
Dedicated entirely to implementing and managing anti-cheat measures
Gearbox have announced that the long awaited Aliens: Colonial Marines will be even more long awaited, they've pushed back release to the Autumn
The Lego MMO that Shoulda has been shut off. On the bright side, all the pieces are recyclable.
Rumours that an upcoming DLC pack will finish the Final Fantasy XIII story take a blow as the Lightning DLC turns out to be nothing more than a special battle.
Mighty Switch Force is a super great game with a funky-ass soundtrack. Can you dig it?
Zynga sure are assholes, they rhave obviously ripped off Buffalo Studios Bingo Blitz this time.
A security loophole might make stealing Origin accounts vulnerable to a social engineering exploit.
Fewer cinematics, single-player only, and a re-imagined Zan Datsu system.
Speaking at an investor call, Nintendo's outspoken boss Satoru Iwata made a case for budget titles.
A resume listing from the studio's co-founder has spilled the beans on the unannounced project.
The upcoming reboot of EA's classic snowboarding franchise is the latest game to punish those who buy used.