Harley Quinn’s Revenge Screenshots Showcase Harley’s New Henchmen
Harley Quinn's looking like quite a stunner these days.
Harley Quinn's looking like quite a stunner these days.
Republique has managed to meet its $500,000 funding goal.
New footage of Beyond Good & Evil 2 has surfaced, revealing a very Indian-like city.
A mistake in Minecraft's XBLA description (and a lack of clarification on the part of the developers) has raised a degree of anger amongst a certain demographic of purchasers.
Lord of the Rings is going to get a LEGO spin-off game at the end of the year, coinciding nicely with the release of the first Hobbit movie.
The incredibly expensive Resident Evil 6 Premium Edition contains a range of nice things that may or may not be worth the $1300 asking price. And, if enough people are willing to spend that much, Capcom are happy to release the collection, leather jacket and all, on US soil.
Add another developer working on Next-Gen consoles, perhaps on a new entry in the Force Unleashed series.
Next up in their “planning sequence,†is cutting out production of the “Aqua Blue†3DS.
This could be interesting...
Oh, Capcom – you are so silly sometimes.
Portal 2’s “Perpetual Testing Initiative†released earlier this week.
It looks like Steam might be worming its way into GameStop stores.
Someone purporting to be the real creator of the Forever Alone meme speaks out against the claim made by Dominic Vanner.
In light of recent marketing promotions for Resident Evil 6, Seb Wuepper takes a look back at Resident Evil 5.
Marvelous has put out the first trailer for Soul Sacrifice.
Double Fine is teasing Ron Gilbert's new game.
The sales of the PS Vita surpass expectations.
A new trailer for Sleeping Dogs shows off the game's bloodier side.
This new trailer of Dragon's Dogma shows us what the game will be about.
Smells like a forever lawsuit.
Watch Max as he struggles through his latest story.
A new patch surfaces on the coast of Risen 2.