Rumor: Lost Planet 3 Devs Possibly Rebooting a Capcom “Adventure” Game, Could Be Onimusha
Could Spark Unlimited be working on another game for Capcom? Read on for the latest rumor.
Could Spark Unlimited be working on another game for Capcom? Read on for the latest rumor.
DICE is holding a dog tag challenge for Battlefield 3's Wake Island map.
Ubisoft has just announced Assassin's Creed: Ezio Trilogy for the PS3. It will feature Ezio in all the game's he's starred in for a discounted price!
Ubisoft has released a new video for Far Cry 3 and it shows Vaas and Buck.
The latest trailer of Zombies Mode in Black Ops 2 reveals that players will go on a road trip throughout the campaign.
Warner Bros. Interactive has officially revealed the Collector's Edition for Injustice: Gods Among Us
Three-game boxed set arriving for PC, 360 and PS3- brings Mass Effect 1 to PS3 for the first time.
Fans have requested the developers of Guild Wars 2 to provide them with a wider FOV.
Connor will make his home with other characters in his personal base.
Don't want to wait at retail to play this year's big PS3 games? Sony has you covered with their Day 1 Digital Program.
Can you spot the similarities between these two images?
New Angry Birds Trilogy trailer is 10% gameplay, 90% surrealism.
Offers 14 new object types and over 30 new environments, is ridiculously gorgeous.
23 titles will be available same day as console, more in the weeks and months to come.
Policy changes are a comin
RAF pilots describe long hours on the job, psychological cost.
More Walking Dead! More!
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Classic games Thief 2 and System Shock 2 get an overhaul with the release of new patches.
Halo 4 sees the return of the Flood, at least in War Games.