Assassin’s Creed Franchise Planned Out by Ubisoft “For Years to Come”
Want more Assassin's Creed 3? Like it or not, expect more on the horizon as Ubisoft has already mapped out the franchise's path.
Want more Assassin's Creed 3? Like it or not, expect more on the horizon as Ubisoft has already mapped out the franchise's path.
A guide to getting some use out of consumables.
Fans speculate that a few of the characters in the GTA 4 expansion may be returning in the upcoming sequel.
Wub wub wub, wub wub wub. Mute the volume.
The patch notes for the upcoming 1.0.5 patch for Diablo 3 have gone live.
All the dancing and centralling your heart desires.
Conspicuously absent: the cake block.
Not included in the release: why this gorgeous thing is on Vita to begin with.
More expected to come via DLC
File under: 'probably just our wishful thinking'
Want to see what costume packs has in store for Resident Evil 6? There's even a pack that will make your characters look 32-bit again.
Microsoft is ramping up security at their headquarters and speculation is it's because of Xbox 720's development.
Want to see how Black Ops 2's guns behave in-game? Watch as almost all the gun class varieties are shown off in this compilation video...even the ballistic knife!
See a player hijack a Banshee and use it against his enemies...
See how awesome it is when someone does a cosplay of Skyrim and does it right.
It's a good thing, though, that these glitches are relatively minor—so expect them to be fixed very shortly.
Trying hard to save money on ammunition so you can spend more on the slot machines? Here's a guide.
It's almost that time of the year where we take a look back at the years past and reflect upon our favorite games.
Having trouble finding Michael Mamaril? Here's a guide to help you out.
Find out what it takes to get into the gaming industry
Insomniac Games reveals their feelings on the most recent Spyro games
Mix n' match...up.