Syndicate Won’t Have Online Pass
Seriously, what's going on at EA these days?
PS3 Users are set to be disappointed by the announcement that 360 users will get access to the Resident Evil 6 demo two months earlier than them.
The adventure/puzzle game by Capcom is now available on the iOS.
Dead Island is no longer outright banned in Germany, although it is still indexed and can't be advetised
The upcoming reboot of EA's classic snowboarding franchise is the latest game to punish those who buy used.
A game from the popular franchise is apparently scheduled for release on Sony's new handheld "in the coming months."
Seb Wuepper explains why he'll be skipping out on a few games this year.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, a single player RPG, comes with an online pass locking away seven quests and other content.
An anonymous source claims the company is worried the name is confusingly similar to the Wii.
The app is currently in beta on both platforms, meaning you'll need to opt in and be selected to participate.
Expect to see the Wii U hit store shelves late 2012.
An insider report to Kotaku suggests that the next Xbox Microsoft is developing may have countermeasures to prevent used games from working.
An anonymous email from a disgruntled ex-employee dishes the dirt on THQ and explains exactly why things have been going wrong for the company
A tech firm has done a full teardown on the handheld and counted up the cost of its parts.
As social media becomes the norm and graphics on iPhones become almost as good as home consoles, Paradox's boss doubts the need for more than one new generation of consoles
I have a problem finishing games. I get all introspective and figure out why that is.
Penny Arcade thinks gaming news needs to be fixed. Josh Harmon disagrees.
Despite tweets to the contrary, THQ PR is quick to deny that any of their games are being cancelled and that financial difficulties are bogging down the company.
Assassin's Creed Revelations gets six additional maps—three are new, and three are old.
If SWTOR is your first MMORPG, you'll likely be unfamiliar with the features offered by the game. Here's a handy guide to help you on your way.
How Fifa Street fell off the rails and how EA Canada are fixing it for their next outing, coming this March.
The six new maps include some returning favorites from Brotherhood.
It might not be burning up the sales data offices (like really successful games do, insurance is the key), but the PlayStation Vita has sold 500,000 units.