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Metal: Hellsinger is a unique blend of old school first person shooter with beat matching rhythm game set to heavy metal. The debut from Swedish developers The Outsiders have created a blistering shooter that rewards you for getting into a groove. With any FPS you have a selection of weapons to load yourself out and Metal: Hellsinger is no different.
There are 6 weapons you can unlock for use throughout a playthrough of Metal: Hellsinger. That’s not too many, but allows each one to serve its own purpose and have its own unique ultimate. Not all guns are made equal, though, and there are definitive weapon options you will want pick over others when you choose your loadout before diving into a level.
Some weapons may be more or less useful depending on which Sigils you have equipped to give you passive boosts, but as a general rule this ranking covers the weapons from least to most useful on a first time through Metal: Hellsinger.
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6. Paz

Paz is a skull, which is cool, and he’s your buddy, which is extra cool. Unfortunately, Paz is the equivalent of the starting pistol in Doom. Once you get the shotgun, you are going to use that again. It’s lightning storm Ultimate is by far the most useless in the game.
To Metal: Hellsinger‘s credit, there is a strategic advantage to using Paz in some of the Torment challenges. The Slaughter Torments require you to put your enemies in a weakened state and Paz is the best way to do that to bottom tier, low health enemies without simply blasting them dead.
5. Teminus

4. Hellcrow

Hellcrow is the last weapon you recieve in Metal: Hellsinger and unfortunately it’s not as useful as what came before it. These high risk-reward boomerangs do a blend of melee and ranged damage. They can be thrown without reloading, but you do have to wait a short amount of time for each one to return before throwing it out again. This means staying on beat at all times is the only way to be effective with the Hellcrows.
This trickiness is off-set by strong AOE Ultimate that summons a whirlwind to damage all nearby enemies. This can be of great help in some of the more trying late game Torments.
3. Vulcan

Vulcan can either be a decent option or the best weapon in the game, so splitting the difference makes sense here. The Vulcan is an explosive ballista style crossbow that does splash damage to enemies nearby. Metal: Hellsinger‘s equivalent of a Rocket Launcher has its downsides though. For one, it’s Ultimate is a bit disappointing. Vulcan’s Ultimate creates a gravitational orb that sucks enemies in, but its pull is pretty weak.
The bigger barrier to getting high scores with the Vulcan is how you have to reload after every two shots. Now, there is a way around this. By equipping the Ghost Sigil, you will be able to take shots without depleting ammo every time you switch weapons. The more you level up your Ghost Sigil, the more free shots you get. A Level 3 Ghost Sigil combined with the Vulcan is a winning combo that makes the weapon an unlimited launcher, completely breaking the game open.
2. Persephone

Persephone is your best friend from the start of Metal: Hellsinger. From the moment you get this shotgun, you’re going to want to use it as either your primary or secondary weapon for the whole game. Persephone is a simple, yet powerful, weapon that is best at close ranger. It’s Ultimate is a powerful blast that will kill most enemies in one shot. Learning the intricacies of Persephone’s sounds will help you stay on beat, too, as you can hear the shells discharge after every shot.
1. The Hounds

At this point, it’s pretty indisputable that the Hounds are the best guns in Metal: Hellsinger. The dual revolvers shoot fast and allow you to get into a rhythm by giving you 12 shots before you need to reload. Plus, the range on these puppies is outrageous, so you are going to want to have them on hand at all times.
The Hounds’ Ultimate too is pretty overpowered. Once you fill up your meter, you can pop the Ult to summon a ghost copy of you (the Hellsinger) to act as a turret for a short amount of time. Having an extra helping hand is the most invaluable thing an Ultimate could provide you and for a solid 15 seconds every time that bar fills, nothing will be able to stop you.