Struggling against this early world boss in Diablo Immortal? You’re not alone. The Blood Rose has quickly become a legendary optional boss — crushing foolish solo players trying to take it down. The Blood Rose is literally a giant rose that sucks up player blood like slurping on a straw. If you’re not careful, the Blood Rose can keep itself healed, prolonging one of the longest fights in the game yet. Before fighting this monster, you’ll want a few tips and tricks. Check out the full guide below to find the Blood Rose’s location and learn the best methods for defeating.
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How To Beat Blood Rose | World Boss Guide
Blood Rose is a world boss located in the Dark Woods — the second major region of Diablo Immortal. Blood Rose is located in the Fetid Swamp area — enter the small dungeon southwest of the Blood Rose Waypoint. This dangerous world boss has three phases and can easily keep itself alive if you’re not careful.
- NOTE: To make defeating the Blood Rose easier, drop a message in chat asking for help with the Blood Rose. People will arrive — just make sure to let them know about mechanics. If you’re working with a team and they’re not careful Blood Rose can stay alive forever.

The Blood Rose is recommended for Level 49+ adventurers and has 7.4~ million HP. Fighting it can take upwards of an hour solo — seriously bring a few friends to make this fight faster. Otherwise, here’s a few tips you’ll absolutely want to keep in mind.
- Blood Rose Tips:
- Before attempting to fight Blood Rose, equip a movement / dodge / defensive skill. Anything that allows you to escape a red danger area quickly. This is absolutely essential for the later phase of this fight.
- In Phase 1 stand on the grassy spot to the left of the boss. You’re basically immune from its attacks here. It will sweep a red beam and summon spikes from the ground while the flowers shoot projectiles. None of them can hit you here if you’re a ranged adventurer.
- In Phase 2 the Blood Rose will drop an attack on a random character — just keep moving to avoid it — and summon minions to assist. Nothing tricky here.
- In Phase 3 it will launch an AOE attack that siphons back health to the boss. If you don’t dodge this, it can fully heal itself — make sure all teammates know about the AOE HP siphon and are prepared to dodge it.
Basically, you need to stay out of the AOE vampire attack with dodges, stay on the left side to avoid its beam and continuously unleash Ultimate skills to drain its health. Don’t even try to fight this thing until you’re with a large group or you’re at least Level 49. Even with a big group, this thing doesn’t go down easily.