Two of the most annoying enemies in Dying Light 2 also give you some great rewards. The runner zombies, called “Bolters” will retreat the minute they spot you. They’re carrying valuables, so killing them can make you that much richer. One of the most dangerous zombie types is the “Goon”, a heavy monster with a giant slab of concrete embedded in its arm that it uses like a hammer. Both of them are aggravating beyond belief. And both of them have a very simple method that makes killing them ridiculously easy.
Goons and Bolters are both in the (Rare) monster category, so defeating them will reliably reward you with Rare Infected Trophies. You can use trophies to upgrade your recipes, which sometimes gives them a huge, huge boost in usability. Collecting trophies is one of the hardest and best things you can do in Dying Light 2. Make it a whole lot easier with these simple methods.
More Dying Light 2 guides:
How To Get Immunity Boosters | How To Get The Shotgun | Farming Uncommon Infected Trophies
How To Beat Goons & Bolters | Tips & Tricks
You don’t need to be good at combat or at parkour to defeat Goons and Bolters. You just need to know a single trick for each of them. They both have an achilles heel. Once you know how to take them down, they don’t stand a chance — even if you’ve got the weakest weapons in the game.
How To Beat Heavy Infected: The Goons are massive opponents with a wide hammer swing. They’re pretty intimidating on your first encounter, but if you’ve played Dark Souls 2, you’ll already have a huge advantage here. To beat them, just glue yourself to their back.
- Stay directly behind a Goon to render it harmless. They’re slow to turn, and all of their attacks only harm anything in front of them. Get close and stick to the back of the Goon, sidestepping so it can never face you.
Just slap the exposed backend with any weapon you’ve got, and the Goon will go down without landing a single hit.
How To Beat The Runner Infected: The Runner zombies are called Bolters because they’ll parkour directly away from you once they’ve detected your presence. Runner zombies are fast and trying to use melee weapons against them is a pain. Eventually you’ll gain a bow. But we don’t need to wait for a bow. There’s another way.
- To easily kill Bolters, equip Throwing Knives. When approaching the Bolter, throw a knife to stagger it. We don’t need the damage — the stagger is what matters. If they run away, throw another knife to stagger it again. Keep it staggered and run in close for the kill.
Using these two very simple strategies, both of these rare infected don’t stand a chance. Seriously, they’re easy pickings even right at the start of the game.