Mysterious characters in novels and films have captivated audiences since time immemorial. The case is no different with video games, where mysterious characters engage players during their journeys by offering quests, providing support, or even pulling the player’s strings.
In this list, we take a look at ten enigmatic characters who’ve compelled us in our adventures by gracing us with their mysterious presences. Though some of them have had their mysteries solved or otherwise shed light upon, they remain interesting nonetheless.
Read on.
Illusive Man, Mass Effect Series
The Illusive Man is the mysterious leader of the pro-human organization, Cerberus, which brings Commander Shepard back from the dead after he or she is killed off at the start of the second game. Operating from the shadows, the Illusive Man knows much more than he lets on about the Reaper invasion. It isn’t until the third game in the series that the Illusive Man’s motives are truly revealed, but his role as an ally and later antagonist in the Mass Effect series makes him one of the most interesting characters in the series.