Devil May Cry TGS Trailer Arises
DmC is lookin' mighty fine.
Day Z developer Dean Hall pleads for his friend's freedom
ZombiU Creative Director Jean-Phillipe Caro thinks the Wii U is the most innovative system on earth at the you agree?
Radical Entertainment has just tweeted that they're still here! Back from the dead? It sure seems like it.
Want more Darksiders 2 content? The Argul's Tomb pre-order bonus DLC will be arriving next week!
Runic Games CEO Max Schaefer compares Torchlight 2 to Diablo 3, he also thinks his game offers a little more replayability when compared to Blizzard's behemoth.
Nintendo wants to use the wildly popular Unity engine for the Wii U
The LGBT focused convention gains an important ally
See the trailer for Sony's exclusive dark fantasy game
Tekken Producer Katsuhiro Harada "does not fully understand" Nintendo's network.
But it's likely being handled by a different developer
Want to play Metal Gear Rising early? Zone of the Enders' HD Collection will include a demo!
DICE will be implementing a server-side patch for Battlefield 3's Armored Kill expansion tomorrow. Here's what to expect.
Heads up, Mass Effect 3 multiplayer fans, Operation: Patriot will be your weekly multiplayer challenge for Mass Effect 3! Also, stats for multiplayer has been released, too!
Treyarch has finally released a trailer for Black Ops 2's zombie mode! Watch it now!
Here's what the self-assembling Promethean weapons of Halo 4 look like.
Publishers made attempts to goad Obsidian into starting a Kickstarter for their own benefit, to the detriment of the studio.
Matt Uelmen's soundtrack of Torchlight 2 has been released for absolutely free.
Diablo 3's endgame will be expanded upon with the addition of the Infernal Machine.
John Smedley of SOE had a few harsh words to say about those in the game development business who don't play games.
Tired of grinding for Eridium? Here's an easy way to do it.