Assassin’s Creed 3 Gets Its Own Clothing Line
...but not in North America
Rockstar has teased information about GTA 5.
Assassin's Creed 3 is one of Ubisoft's most successful games, and it's not even out yet.
Japanese gamers can purchase a super special edition of MGS Revengeance.
The soundtrack to Hotline Miami is now available for you to download.
Here's your first look at Black Ops 2's Carrier and Meltdown multiplayer maps.
You'll be able to compete against your friends and strangers online.
Contrary to popular belief, Nintendo won't be printing money when the Wii U's sold at retail...yep, they're selling the upcoming console at a loss.
Square Enix has revealed the entire cast for Hitman: Absolution and it's one star-studded cast!
Minecraft is now the most played game on Xbox LIVE.
Want to know how Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is faring so far? Watch over 20-minutes of footage now.
Curious to know what the Trophies are for PS All-Stars Battle Royale? Here you go...
Want to pick up Assasasin's Creed 3 for the Wii U? Well, it will be exactly the same as the other versions according to the game's director.
Mass Effect's movie adaptation is slowly becoming a reality as it gets a new screenwriter.
Vigil has officially lifted the lid on Darksiders 2's upcoming DLC.
343 Industries and Microsoft release more info about upcoming Halo 4 DLC
If there was any doubt that the social gaming bubble has burst, the past 48 hours has officially silenced its remaining defenders.
Sleep researchers who once stated that playing games before bedtime was harmless have their tune.
Arguable one of the best PS2 games of all time is soon set to become one of the best Vita games as well.
Given that the current ratings do not consider downloadable games, the change is overdue.
America and Finland's primary exports are coming together in China.
Grand Theft Auto 5: A new piece of artwork for GTA 5 has a big Breaking Bad vibe going on.
A newly released DLC adds a whole bunch of Funfair-themed levels and content.