Pikmin 3 will have online leaderboards
Famitsu also gives the game its first score.
World of Warcraft will soon be getting a real-money shop.
The game formally known as Stealth Bastard is headed to PlayStation.
All of the F2P games are new IP for connected devices.
Developer Dave Cox shares pictures but doesn't confirm support.
Four year lawsuit finally reaches resolution
HTML5 engine will ease game development for the console.
Wild Hunt is going to be as mature as it needs to be.
One of this year's biggest fighters might get more love this November.
Naughty Dog has shipped a commercial success.
The DualShock 4 Lightbar will always remain on.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist gameplay trailer.
An interactive trailer showing the decision making process in Divinity - Dragon Commander.
Prices and release dates for the Summer of Arcade games.
David Hayter will be the voice for Solid Snake in the upcoming digital graphic novel.
The four week long sale will feature game bundles and daily deals.
Dutch painter Rembrandt is a clue to the game's story.
Commander Mode brings a variety of features to Battlefield 4.
Original Tales of Xillia launches in the West next month.
Ubisoft's ZombiU wasn't even close to making money.
A new trailer for Halo 4's Champions DLC reveals just what's in store in the bundle.