Metal Gear Solid 5: Snake’s Voice Acting Possibly Finished
Snake's voice actor moves onto other projects.
Snake's voice actor moves onto other projects.
Below will remain a Xbox One exclusive for a duration of time.
R&D costs reportedly much lower for PS4.
Have a look at the Engineer-specific PDW weapon.
It's not clear whether he's being reunited with Kratos however.
You'd be surprised at their reaction to GTA 5.
Feature applies to digital games on the system.
Direct included an impressive seven minute trailer, elegantly communicates game mechanics as well as new information.
There's a new trailer out for Battlefield 4 which dissects each of the game's unique features.
Story put in the spotlight of latest Saints Row 4 video.
Gootecks explains details that forced his hand to end long running show Excellent Adventures.
Acquire 'Legion' exclusive goodies with Rome 2.
Mega evolutions are only possible during battle.
System likely to launch before Black Friday.
Star says he's 'really excited' about the unannounced game.
Highly succesful campaign already working at stretch goals, Paypal.
Latest demo shows an open skirmish battle.
Smartcards from Japan, passwords will also unlock extra content.
This is a new level of dumb for a series that's been setting the bar for years.
Killer Instinct is being made with a bit of love.
It isn't easy heading development for a Super Smash Bros. game.
A new project could be on the way from Platinum Games.
Includes Origins, which will have you battle zombies and a giant robot.