Taco Bell Wants You To Get A Free Playstation 4
"Play The Future First" promotion will draw winners for seven weeks 'every fifteen minutes'.
"Play The Future First" promotion will draw winners for seven weeks 'every fifteen minutes'.
When it comes to games, Microsoft has the lead.
Rockstar might be planning to include microtransactions in Grand Theft Auto Online.
As an in-game overlay, Battlelog will now be available to everyone who plays the game.
Is this a hint of what we'll be getting stateside?
Crowdfund's success points to new possibilities for contract developers to go independent.
Rockstar Games still not directly responding to issue.
Playstation Blog shares the game's opening cinematics.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 extended trailer from Tokyo Game Show.
Sony wants PlayStation games on a number of different devices.
Sonic Lost World trailer introduces the six villains.
Grand Theft Auto 5 source code again references a PC version.
Game cost $5 million more than Heavy Rain.
The film is set two weeks before the events of the game.
11 achievements going for the game's multiplayer.
Team Rocket may be making a comeback.
Check out Kojima's next game on the next-gen consoles.
The Last of Us originally had only women as infected zombies.
Game director Ash Ismail insists that the Assassin's Creed games aim for authenticity.
Players won't be able to share footage on the big social sites until next year.
Two modes and one map are waiting for Battlefield 4 fans next month.
Expect to actually play all the setpiece moments in Titanfall.