Pokemon X and Y Sales hit 12 Million, Become Fastest Selling 3DS Games
400,000 copies sold in the last two months.
400,000 copies sold in the last two months.
Get a great new look at the setting of the hybrid RTS / RPG / MMO.
The title will reportedly be set on Pandora's moon and features some returning characters.
'I'm not sure how I feel about it' says Mojang's founder.
'There's nothing to announce' but Microsoft considering Xbox 360 emulator options for Xbox One.
Square Enix might be bringing their mobile Dragon Quest VIII over too, but you gotta admit, a Nintendo FPS beats all else here.
Bluepoint's port may look about as good as you expected.
Every PS4 game £5 off at Asda UK when you use the code games5 at checkout.
A CDProjekt RED dev makes a kinda silly comparison, but hey, maybe you agree.
The game is surprisingly scalable, although there can be no question in regards to its scope.
EA threw all manner of subtlety with this one.
One of Microsoft's devs tells us Xbox One is capable of much more than we've seen here and now.
We may get a markedly different Deus Ex experience next. Will it still be Deus Ex?
We're getting early evidence Xbox One functionality is going to match your desktop PC sooner than later.
Anyone logging in to play Diablo 3 this weekend will receive a +50% bonus to experience.
Here's a difficulty chart for Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls to guide you to decide what difficulty to play the game on.
PlayStation Access has put together the ultimate list of PS4 games in 2014.
Mike Laidlaw talks about various features in the upcoming Dragon Age title from BioWare.
2K Sports and the Make-A-Wish Foundation have helped bring a terminally ill child into the virtual world.
4J Studios thanks fans as another milestone reached for Mojang's game.
The creative director behind EA Sports UFC is here to explain the game's ground work.
PS3 players will be invited to PS4 beta while Xbox 360 gamers will be asked to join Xbox One beta.
The Bluepoint-developed Titanfall won't be as fast as its Xbox One brother.
After months of searching, the pre-historic shark has been discovered at last.