Assassin’s Creed 3 Achievement Walkthroughs | Guide
Having trouble unlocking achievements in Assassin's Creed 3? Here's some help.
Having trouble unlocking achievements in Assassin's Creed 3? Here's some help.
Why game journalists need to earn back the trust of their readers.
Assassin's Creed III Easter Eggs Location: Having trouble finding the sasquatch, the boy who cried wolf, or any of the other easter eggs in the game? Here's a handy guide to help you on your way.
Someone find David Hasslehoff and ask him about Baywatch
Declan Skews argues that it's important to ask what it means to be a games journalist.
XCOM is built around narrowing possibilities in order to create for as many interesting choices as possible.
Assassin's Creed 3 is the latest title in Ubisoft's long-running franchise and it's got a few bugs that slipped past QA.
Have we travelled back in time? Joe Martin thinks so, which he reckons gives us a unique opportunity to get back to the future...
Obsidian Entertainment's Chris Avellone talks to us about Project Eternity, and shares his thoughts on writing romances, non-lethal options, and more.
Brendan Keogh on how Halo Reach tells its story through its landscape.
Crafting recipes for weapons, upgrades, gear, consumables, medicine, and everything else in Assassin's Creed 3.
Assassin's Creed 3 Collectibles: Unlockable Outfits, Multiplayer Characters, Assassin Recruits, Mementos, Completion Trophies, Treasure Maps and Chests, and Keys Guide.
Brendan explores the tragic undertones of Halo Reach to talk about the broader way the game is paced.
Nick Lalone has compiled five myths and legends in videogames for Halloween.
Rowan Kaiser has set up a crash course in video games to catch anyone up to speed with the medium.
Sebastian Wuepper takes a close look at the question if video game critics should always be objective.
Mathew Jones writes about how the mechanics in Dishonored detract from the game's exploration of morality.
We've put together an analysis of what you might've missed in the most recent Bioshock Infinite trailer.
Scary Moments in Video Games: Think games aren't scary? Think again! Here are thirteen of the scariest video games this generation has to offer.
Rowan Kaiser argues that quick-time events, or QTEs, can make games better.
Battlefield 3 is a great game, but there's more than a few things that bug us about it.