Battlefield 4 Shotguns Guide
Get a quick review of the game's best shotguns, and which come most recommended.
Get a quick review of the game's best shotguns, and which come most recommended.
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We don't even know how long D4 is going to take, so who knows how long we'll wait for this game?
Get a sneak peek of each achievement, how to accomplish it, and what ugly emblems you can get for it.
Find out what issues - and exploits - have been identified and fixed for your platform of choice.
Choose the right game mode and equipment to fly through the ranks.
We settle the question, looking at GPUs, resolutions, and online multiplayer.
After promising everyone Double XP, DICE needs to do good by the Premium users.
Play as one of the aliens, or better yet, blow things up with your butt. Get all the necessary details here.
Rick Sherlund believes Microsoft should take this step for its own good, as well as Xbox's.
Some of the best games for the year, for less than half the price.
Trademarked name implies game will not be a sequel, possibly a remake?
Series founder Gerald Kohler talks about series end on their official blog.
Dice promises to fix server crashes, but does not detail server related issues.
Ghosts not using peer to peer at all.
We taught you how to take one out, now learn how to use one.
Spinoff games also on the way for PS3, Vita, and - surprise, surprise - the 3DS.
Get a quick rundown on each field order, as well as some quick tips.
DICE also giving away M1911 scope, promises fixing game is priority over new projeccts.
After seeing Crash's site go down, and all mention of him disappear from Activision's sites, the IP may go on the backburner.
You can now play private matches, online and system linked, under MLG rules.
DICE explains bug can be more complex than it looks, they are trying to duplicate it right now.