LEGO Star Wars: Skywalker Saga – How To Find All Kyber Bricks | Collectibles Guide
Think finding all 1000+ Kyber Bricks is impossible? Think again.
Think finding all 1000+ Kyber Bricks is impossible? Think again.
Mumbling in a galaxy far, far away.
After collecting the Great Runes, it isn't always clear what they do.
The very best trinkets in the Lands Between.
Unlocking the deadliest droid in the galaxy.
Collecting a full set of Stormtroopers.
Breakfast is getting a sequel.
Break out of your narrative boundaries and explore the weird, wild endings of Ultra Deluxe.
Bask in the glory of this all-new ending.
Setting the time has never been more important.
Trust your completionist instincts.
A Bucket changes everything.
Unlock an achievement 10 years in the making.
When you need a little extra boost over the boss finishing line.
Jumping higher and dashing longer.
Using Challenge Rooms to make your adventure less challenging.
Spreading a little insanity.
When the Mimic Tear can't cut it.
Spill Rivers of Blood with one of the best swords in Elden Ring.