How long is it going to be after the Wii U launch that we start to hear stories about crayon-damaged tablets and a lot of smashed glass from pensioners who got the wrong idea? I'm guessing days, but Crytek producer Mike Read, in an interview with CVG, thinks that Nintendo have missed the point of the Wii's success and that, in an attempt to impress the core, they may have forgotten what made the Wii special.
“One thing I really love about the Wii, and I’m not sure Nintendo even realised this when it launched, is that the Wii’s demographic was between the age of six to 60,” Read said. “I would gladly give a Wii controller to my three-year-old to play that game, but when I saw the Wii U controller I thought, I’m not sure if I’d give that to my child to play with, that’s an expensive piece of hardware.
“But past that, in terms of the dual screen stuff, I personally believe it’s a bit of a novelty at this point and if I would to have to point at anything that really moves into next gen, I think it’s cloud gaming.”