If you know the history of Telltale Games, you know that it went from one of the most beloved developers ever to one of the most hated. Oh, and we’re not just saying that from the fan perspective but from those who actually worked for them during the company’s “boom period.” You may recall that they brought an episodic approach to various classic franchises, bringing them untold fame. Then, as they kept trying to build off its success, it collapsed and had to be shut down. Games like The Wolf Among Us 2 were a part of that collapse. However, when Telltale was reborn, it was said to be still in production. However, we’ve barely heard a word about it in some time.
That’s where a certain rumor dropped today from a “whistleblower” that stated how The Wolf Among Us 2 wasn’t just in a state where it wasn’t dropping soon, that it was at a “critical point” where Telltale might just cancel it outright. Obviously, that would be bad news for anyone who was looking forward to finally playing it. However, Eurogamer got a message about the title from Telltale Games’ PR that said that this wasn’t the case at all:
“As a rule, we don’t comment on rumours and unsubstantiated reddit threads. But development on The Wolf Among Us 2 continues and we’re excited to share more about the game with Telltale fans and our community when the time is right.”
On the surface, that seems like a pretty fair response to the situation and even implies that things are “going forward” despite the heavy delays. However, whether we can take them at their word is another story entirely.
After all, the game was one that the new version of Telltale announced to be continuing when the studio was “reborn.” Yet, that was six year ago pretty much, and the game still hasn’t released. That sends up several red flags, especially if they do this as another episodic launch. If they’re taking all this time just to get the first episode or two ready, that’s not a good thing.
Second, this was an official PR response, so one could very easily argue that this was just a case of a company trying to “cover themselves” while hopefully figuring something out and fixing what is broken. In the end, we just don’t know for sure what’s going on with this game or with Telltale. Until they drop a definitive release date, it’s not wise to think that things will change.