Denuvo has proven to be a bit of a problematic DRM for video games. We found several instances in the past where when a game crack is released, the version of the game that removes Denuvo DRM has a performance boost. However, this DRM is highly sought after by development studios as it helps ensure that the game is secure and free from any potential pirated copies from emerging online. But, of course, that hasn’t stopped individuals from taking it upon themselves to crack the games to remove DRM.
Today, we’re finding out that the Resident Evil 4 remake has been cracked. This news comes from DSO Gaming which credits EMPRESS as being the individual who was able to bypass the Denuvo V18. There are a few individuals and groups that have been working to crack different video games, so if you’re familiar with this scene, then you might have been familiar with EMPRESS’ work. But apparently, this individual managed to bypass the Denuvo DRM, which doesn’t completely remove the DRM from the game.
We are waiting for now to see some comparisons showing off how the game performance improves, if any since the Denuvo V18 was bypassed. Of course, this is terrible news to hear from Capcom, as this comes just a couple of months after the game launched into the marketplace. Typically, we don’t see Denuvo being removed officially until years after the game launches into the marketplace. Again, this is just another safety measure to ensure the game is not easily pirated online.
It should be interesting to see if any new updates further add DRM protection to the game, especially since there is an expectation that Capcom will be bringing out an expansion for the Ada storyline campaign. That could prevent players from gaining access to the Ada campaign if they don’t have a valid copy of the game. But if you haven’t already picked up a copy of the game, Resident Evil 4’s remake launched back in March of this year.
Players can go through the game on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC platforms. You can also watch our Before You Buy video coverage on the game down below. This gives you our overall impressions of the game, such as the storyline, game mechanics, and visuals. Meanwhile, we avoid showcasing anything that we would deem to be spoilers.