Bayonetta is a character action game franchise in which players take control of the titular Umbra witch and engage in frantic hack and slash combat. The series is developed by PlatinumGames and originally began with Bayonetta which was released as a multiplatform title across Xbox, PlayStation, PC, and Nintendo platforms. However, Sega, the publisher of the game, could not greenlight a sequel due to financial difficulties at the time. That’s when Nintendo stepped up to the plate and offered a publishing deal with financial support to PlatinumGames. As a result, Bayonetta 2 was created as an exclusive game for Nintendo. With that in mind, Bayonetta and character action game fans, in general, may want to know whether Bayonetta 3 will be a Nintendo Switch exclusive.
Is Bayonetta 3 Nintendo Switch Exclusive?
Bayonetta 3 is being published by Nintendo, and given the situation between Nintendo and PlatinumGames mentioned above, it would make sense that the later game in the series would be a Nintendo exclusive. That is confirmed to be the case. Bayonetta 3 will be launching as a Switch exclusive on October 28 this year. While the original Bayonetta can still be purchased on multiple platforms, Bayonetta 2 and Bayonetta 3 are going to be Nintendo-exclusive games for the foreseeable future. The trailers for the game thus far suggest that PlatinumGames is making the most of the Switch hardware. With that in mind, we hope that the final product will deliver some stylish action at 60 FPS when the game comes out on Switch later this year.