The 2019 first-person shooter Hunt: Showdown is receiving a massive update that will introduce a whole new quest system called “Summons” and two new grunt AI variants. According to developers, “This update brings a new Quest system to the Bayou! This feature will replace the Daily and Weekly Challenges and can be found in the progress section under the ‘Summons’ tab. Players will have to complete quests to collect a new reward called ‘stars’ – this is separate from the Trials stars and will have a different symbol. These quests will reset every Monday.”
There will be five different quest categories: Simple Quests, Core Gameplay Quests, PvP Quests, Hardcore Quests, and Legendary Quests. Along with Summons, it looks like developers have brought many more exciting updates to Hunt: Showdown. Check out the full patch notes below!
Hunt: Showdown Update 1.8.1 Patch Notes
- Bullet Casings are now audible when they fall on the ground.
- Hanging Chains and other objects now play a subtle sound when crouch walking through them.
- Sound Design improvements on the Door impacts and destruction
Bloodbond Content
- Legendary Hunter – Luna Wolf (900 Bloodbonds)
A merciless wolf hunter, Felicia Frisk came to Louisiana following her son’s footsteps, where she sought closure – but she only found the moonlight turned crimson with blood, and a mournful howl echoing in the Bayou. - Legendary Hunter – Dire Wolf (900 Bloodbonds)
Remus Frisk never thought twice when killing packs of wolves, and he never paid a price for those massacres – until he came to the Bayou to hunt his last wolf – and this time, it was one from his own pack. - Legendary Lebel 1886 Aperture – Wolfsbane (800 Bloodbonds)
As charming and deadly as its namesake, this Lebel 1886 Aperture earned its name from the wolf carcasses its previous owner left decaying and unskinned. Now each shot from its barrel tears through the night like a hundred wolves howling for revenge. - Legendary Springfield Compact Deadeye – Blister (800 Bloodbonds)
Six gouges mark the number of sun-cracked and blistering days the first owner of this Springfield 1866 Compact Deadeye staggered through the desert – without water, without clothing, but with an indomitable will for revenge.
– Brawler Variant adjustments
- Increased Heavy Melee Damage on all Brawler variants to bring them in line with Dusters.
- Stamina consumption remains unchanged (Dusters are still more efficient).
– Nitro Custom ammo name adjustment
- Renamed the Nitro ‘Dum Dum’ ammo to ‘Shredder’.
- This is purely a cosmetic change and does not affect gameplay in anyway.
– Caldwell 92 New Army
- Unlocks at Bloodline Rank 12
- Price reduced to $90 (previously $103)
– Winfield 1893 Slate
- Unlocks at Bloodline Rank 48
- Price reduced to $250 (previously $300)
– Machete
- Unlocks at Bloodline Rank 1 (previously Rank 24)
– Specter 1882
- Unlocks at Bloodline Rank 24 (previously Rank 36)
– Nagant M1895 Officer
- Unlocks at Bloodline Rank 36 (previously Rank 12)
– World
- Decreased spawn rate of Golden Cash Registers.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue which caused the trait sorting with the alphabetical filter in German to be based on their English names.
- Fixed an issue which caused the tooltip to stay visible when hovering over a hunter in the legendary hunter store and switching tabs.
- Fixed some issues which caused text to overlap outside the buttons in certain languages.
- Fixed several issues with button shortcuts and added more in places they were missing.
- Fixed an issue where, when retiring a hunter, the model of them was still shown despite another hunter being already selected.
- Fixed an issue which caused the mouse icon as zoom shortcut to be visible on Trials maps.
- The Ladder Desync Exploit
- Fixed an issue where red skull kills were giving XP and counted towards “kills” for KDA.
- Fixed an issue where ambient audio was not looped properly on night maps.
- Banished bosses should no longer drop their bounties in unreachable places.
- Fixed an issue whereby AI was sometimes able to hear players through some obstacles.
- Fixed an issue whereby grunts were not always facing their attacker properly.
- Fixed an issue whereby the Butcher could not be properly interrupted the first time it taunted.
- Butcher will stop roaming when no players are around.
- Fixed an issue where the Berthier Riposte Iron sights were slightly misaligned.
- Fixed an issue where the Depth of Field blur would stay too long on the Berthier Deadeye.
- Fixed an issue where the Iron Sights on the Romero 77 were misaligned.
- Fixed an issue where clean Legendary weapons looked dirty in a mission.
- Fixed an issue where the crouching animation was inconsistent across some weapons.
- Fixed an issue where D-pad buttons would switch to wrong items until they were re-assigned when using a controller.
- Fixed an issue where the Conduit Trait wouldn’t apply its effects when picking up a Bounty.
- Fixed an issue where players could extend their Dark Sight Boost duration with the Serpent Trait.
- Fixed an issue that could lock the camera after reconnecting to a mission.
- Fixed a couple of cases where the extraction timer would reset when dead players in the extraction radius would leave the game to the menu.
- Fixed an issue where the Wellspring could not be picked up from a player that had permanently disconnected from the game.
- Fixed an issue where players could have their movement speed reduced after healing with First Aid Kits or deploying traps.
- Fixed an issue where movement speed reductions from moving through deep water and from healing with First Aid Kits would stack. Only the highest speed reduction is applied now.
- Fixed an issue where the movement speed reduction from First Aid Kits was already applied while aiming in Hunter control scheme. Players will now only slow down while healing.
- Fixed an issue where the objectives would not revert to “Collect the Bounty” after losing two bounty tokens (still shows “Extract the Bounty” for both bosses).
- Fixed a bug which caused the D-pad navigation in contract screen to break when using a controller.
- Fixed a rare bug which cause filters to be highlighted in roster even when not applied.
- Fixed a bug which lead to filters for consumables and tools to be unresponsive.
- Fixed a rare issue which caused buttons to overlap on top of others in specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue which allowed players to click through the hunter equipment pop up on the Bounty Hunt menu onto other tabs and subtabs.
- Fixed an issue where the normal bow ammo was always greyed out in the weapon wheel.
- Fixed a bug which would break the equipment bar when changing the equipment by looting from a hunter under special conditions .
- Fixed a rare issue which caused a discard pop up to be displayed when the player wants to have two contraband pistols (as dual) equipped.
- Fixed an issue which would cause buttons to overlap while on the legendary recruits screen while forming an invited team.
- Player cannot give a Dark Tribute offering while in matchmaking in a team anymore.
- Fixed an issue where both Partners in a team of three could be displayed as “Partner 2”.
- Fixed an Option issue when clicking on the right side of an audio settings tab would open the drop-down list.
- Fixed an issue where Winfield Slate and Caldwell New Army were in the wrong place in the Book of Weapons.
- Fixed an issue where the “Discard” item pop-up had untranslated texts in German.
- Fixed an issue where a reward pop-up for Hunt dollars and Bloodbonds are always displayed after a mission.
- Fixed an issue where ‘Hold F to stop bleeding’ when bleeding was sometimes missing.
- Fixed an issue where non-legendary event weapons still had an event background.