Title Update 16 has been released for the Xbox 360 edition of Minecraft. Developed by 4J Studios, the update focuses on adding a host of bug fixes to the game, rather than any new content.
Notably, players going invisible after death (or respawning) will no longer occur. Likewise, players will not go invisible when two or more players go through a nether gate at the same time. In addition to invisibility bugs, the patch also fixes mobs dying in walls.
Here’s everything that’s been fixed in TU16:
- Fix for players going invisible after death (on respawning).
- Fix for players going invisible when two players go through a nether gate at the same time.
- Fix for players sometimes being invisible after teleporting until either they move, or the player that sees them as invisible moves.
- Fix for Noteblock pitch being wrong – more noticeable when chords are played.
- Fix for Mobs dying in walls (happens for baby mobs after they become adults).
- Fix for chunks not loading in maps – tends to be specific seeds.
- Fixed streaming music not playing after a playing CD has been ejected from a jukebox
- Fix for player being able to attach Signs to the Chest with a block placed above it.
- Fix for player being able to breed wild Ocelots.
- Fix for player being able to breed Ocelot with Cat.
- Fix for tame wolves being removed if no players were near them when they were angry.
- Fix for Potion of Night Vision corrupts the game's UI while player is falling into the Void in the End.
- Fix for the damage decals flickering and/or not present if players are not close to each other in Survival Mode in a local splitscreen game.
- Fix for damage decals not displaying in splitscreen if the secondary player is 30 + blocks away from the primary player
- Fixed lava drip particles being too dark/black
- Fix for sitting wolves (or stationary entities) not being immediately visible if a remote player spawns next to them, or spawns far away and quickly heads towards them
- Fix for Leather Armour not displaying the enchantment glow.
- Fix for Enchanted item in hand effect being wrong.
- Fix for blocks placed at Y 128 being black on top.