UPDATE 12/16
Another update has come out for Cyberpunk 2077’s refund fiasco. If you’ve been following this thread or the news regarding the refunds in general then you know that there was an original report that fans were getting refunds on console platforms. This was all due to the game not living up to expectations with the glaring problems for the standard last-generation consoles not performing anywhere near the expectation set for fans and developers. CD Projekt Red had since apologized for the lack of optimization and have alerted fans that they could receive refunds if they would like.
The problem here is that fans are having a tough time getting refunds from Sony and Microsoft. It’s leaving some miscommunication on whether or not consumers can actually request a refund or not. Now a new automated email from support at CD Projekt Red has gone out alerting consumers that the next steps for refunds will come out before the end of 2020.
UPDATE 12/15
After CD Projekt Red had also issued a statement saying that gamers who are not happy with the video game launch could receive a refund, both Sony and Microsoft are refusing players’ requests. It’s uncertain why some gamers are apparently getting refunded and others are not, but we’re seeing quite a few tweets online showing that gamers are not being refunded. It’s uncertain if this will continue or not.
Original Story…
One of the most anticipated video game titles for 2020 has been Cyberpunk 2077. The video game was building up hype for years, well before there was much of any information or trailers to showcasing the title. This was all due to the development team behind this project. CD Projekt Red is well-known for The Witcher series and it’s been such an iconic RPG franchise that you’ll still find recommendations to check the game series out today. Naturally, after their incredible success with the RPG series, fans were eager to dive into their next big venture.
Cyberpunk 2077’s hype only built up and it looked like 2020 would be the year that this game would finally hit the marketplace. Despite the coronavirus health pandemic outbreak, CD Projekt Red managed to get this game out to the public. With that said, there was still plenty of delays that happened in 2020 alone in order to get this game as optimized as possible.
We’re just a few days into the game right now and these first few days have proven that CD Projekt Red still had plenty of work on their hands. Everyone has come across bugs in this game. From graphical issues to bugs preventing players from progressing the campaign. However, even with all these bugs, critics and fans alike have been leaving favorable reviews. Furthermore, the game is only going to get better as the update’s release, but those on the last-generation standard console platforms may find that Cyberpunk 2077 is too much of a mess right now.
Reports are going out that Sony is honoring some refunds to players when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077. Normally, Sony wouldn’t allow refunds to digital games if players have already started the download. However, it does seem like some consumers are managing to get a refund with Sony well aware of the state Cyberpunk 2077 is in for these platforms.