The original Dragon Age: Origins and its sequel Dragon Age 2 featured closed environments where player characters didn’t have to run around for very long to get to where they wanted to go. The upcoming Dragon Age: Inquisition will differ greatly from its predecessors by offering large and varied environments, traversable through the aid of mounts—a first for the series.
Today, BioWare’s Mike Laidlaw mentioned on Twitter that the only available mounts confirmed at the moment are horses. “Time will tell,” he said, regarding whether there will be other types of mounts available to player characters.
In a separate tweet, Laidlaw stated that players will be able to find stuff that’s “too tough” for them to tackle right away. He suggested that players will be able to confront these challenges at a later time in the game.
Finally, Laidlaw wrote some stuff about the voice acting in Dragon Age: Inquisition, comparing it to BioWare’s MMORPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic, hinting that there may be multiple voiced protagonists. That conversation can be found here.