Easily one of the most anticipated video game titles coming out this year is Cyberpunk 2077. The video game is being developed by CD Projekt Red after their successful trilogy series, The Witcher. It’s clear that this development studio knows how to craft an in-depth and rich lore-filled RPG for players to play within so it came to no surprise that there was an immediate hype for this game when it was first announced.
While we are still waiting for the game to release, there has been a steady stream of content about this game from the development studio. We can expect quite the adult video game title although one that is carefully created to ensure that each mission is well thought out by a team of writers. However, we’re finding out today that a comic book series is coming out this September that will give players a look behind a certain individual named Nadia.
Announced to be a Dark Horse comic book series, Cyberpunk 2077: Trauma Team will follow Nadia, an assistant EMT for a private business. Set within Night City, it’s a cruel and unforgiving place that should give players an early look at some of the areas and locations. We’re also likely going to see some characters in the comic book series that will likely appear in the video game in some shape or fashion.
Cyberpunk 2077: Trauma Team doesn’t have any details on just how many issues will be available in this series but it will be releasing on September 9, 2020, for the usual $3.99 price tag. As for Cyberpunk 2077 the video game, players will have to wait a bit longer as it was recently delayed until November 19, 2020, for the PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One platforms.