Capcom and Sony have put out three new screenshots of Deep Down, two of which display enemies that players will go up against in the upcoming game.
The Jackie, seen above, is essentially a “mimic” from Dungeons & Dragons lore. Taking the form of a treasure chest, the Jackie extends its arms and legs when an unlucky adventurer happens upon it. Filled with a mouthful of sharp teeth, the Jackie provides players with a sudden challenge.
Also on display is a monster called the Pooriiz. This creepy crawly clings to the walls and ceilings of dungeons and moves around like a caterpillar. It attacks in swarms and provides a threat to the player when in large numbers.
The PS4-exclusive title, Deep Down, is currently in development at Capcom Online Games in collaboration with SCE Japan Studio. The game is confirmed for a Japanese release. There’s no word on when gamers in the West will be able to get their hands on it.