Some of you may not be familiar with Blade Runner. This was a franchise that got its popularity from a 1982 movie which follows a story revolving around androids. Without going into too much detail, the movie found viewers in a world set within 2019. Genetics and advanced technological advances allowed humanity to craft up human-like robots known as replicants. Used as essential slaves, these robotic-beings are forced into labor with a safety measure that prevents them from living past four years.
When these robotic androids go out of the loop and end up being dangerous, a special task force is put out to investigate and attempt to locate along with terminating these replicants. While the game that originally came out in 1997 doesn’t follow the narrative of the first movie or act as a direct sequel, Blade Runner offers a similar storyline. Players take on the role of a Ray McCoy who is investigating these robotic enemies.
The original video game was a critical hit and was put out into the market by the development team Westwood Studios. Today, Nightdive Studios are working on a remastered edition. Much of the core game will stay in place from the developers that put the game out back in the late 1990s. However, with that said, the game will certainly look and play incredibly well for today’s standards.
We’re uncertain just when the remastered edition will release but it will be slated to launch at some point this year for the PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch platforms. In the meantime, check out the original trailer for the game down below.