Uncharted is a massively popular video game franchise from Naughty Dog. The Sony exclusive series has gathered a massive audience and its one game that most compare to watching a blockbuster cinematic film. Over the years we’ve seen plenty of movies adapted from video games and they don’t typically have too much success with the fan base originally established by the video games.
With that said, because Uncharted is a cinematic-like experience as is, there’s a good chance this movie adaptation could prove to be one of the few exceptions to the trend of less than stellar movie releases. However, this movie was something that has been in the works for years now and it has seen plenty of director changes and even actor changes.
For now, we have Mark Wahlberg taking the role of Victor Sullivan and Tom Holland as a young Nathan Drake. IGN recently spoke with Tom Holland who was able to confirm that the movie would be a prequel to the video game installments but plenty of the inspiration behind the script comes from Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, in particular.
The actor taking on the helm of a young Nathan Drake was also able to alert fans that the movie production will begin filming in about four weeks which is quite surprising to hear. With the issues of keeping a director involved and timing restrictions between projects, it looks like Sony is able to finally pinpoint a film production start date. Hopefully, we’re able to get some more confirmation as to when this film actually starts production without any issues causing further delays.