Concrete Genie is an upcoming PlayStation 4 video game title by developers Pixelopus. The video game follows a bullied teenager named Ash who lives in a town close to being completely abandoned due to pollution. Within the story, Ash finds that his paintings can come to life which may help him on his journey. Players will be using the DualShock 4 motion sensor to create new landscapes and friends for Ash all the while taking care of the bullies and possibly preventing the pollution from taking over the town.
It was officially unveiled through the Pixelopus Twitter account that the video game has reached gold status. This means that gamers won’t have to deal with any sudden delays. Instead, this is a milestone for developers as it means that the game is ready to hit the disc manufactures for the discs to be produced and shipped at marketplaces around the world.
This is not a very long game either as it’s been stated in the past that players will beat the game in about five hours so this may prove to be a great weekend title to go through. With that said, the game is set to launch on October 8, 2019, exclusively on the PlayStation 4.
Source: Twitter