Diablo is a beloved franchise that has been around since 1996. The video game series, which was created by Blizzard, is a classic action RPG and it looks like the first game is now available on the web browser. This doesn’t appear to be something official but the doing of a fan who was able to deliver fans of a web browser version after making use of the source code. So with that said, its uncertain if this game will stay up very long or if Blizzard will have it taken down.
As mentioned, the first Diablo game was released in 1996 and it follows a hero as they venture off to take out the Lord of Terror from the world of Diablo. This game series spawned three main installments with fans waiting for the fourth main installment to be announced.
You might recall, but last year a fan was able to reverse-engineer the source code for Diablo which is no easy task. This source code was made available online and that’s what this fan used to make the game compatible for web browsers. This version of the game, however, is only the shareware version which gives access to a short section of the game to enjoy. Instead, if you own the game or purchase a copy from GOG then you can drop a particular file that would give access to the entire game.
Source: Bloody Disgusting