With Black Ops 2's Scorestreak system replacing Killstreak Rewards, it's harder now to deploy the usual top-tier rewards most players are used — at least from my experience, anyway.
Since launch, I can count on one finger the times I've seen Attack Dogs or Hunter Swarms were deployed in an active game. I might just be lucky, but I've yet to be a victim of any of these.
In saying that; now, more and more people are using the UAV, Care Package and the Hunter Killer Drone as their Scorestreak reward, since it's quite easy to get. For those extensively playing Black Ops 2's multiplayer, I gather continuously hearing that an UAV is up gets quite annoying, no? The same thing can be said on Hunter Killer drone since a lot of people are using it in order to get quick kills.
So, what should you do if you hear that high-pitched beeping sound (for reference, hearing that means the Hunter Killer drone is coming after you)? Well, according to Reddit's Black Ops 2 community, going prone might save you. I said might because while the title of the thread is "If you go prone while a hunter killer drone is in the air, it won't track you," I seem to remember getting killed by a drone while I'm in a prone position.
One good tactic mentioned in the comments and one I've used before, is to go prone and hug a wall when you hear one deployed. This wall you're next to should provide a good "abosrber" or cover and the drone should explode hitting it. Not saying this will work every time though, but that's better than waiting for it to hit you, right?
Also, as added info, equipping Flak Jacket won't save you from a drone. It might save you from normal explosives, but not a drone, sadly. If you really want to not be hunted down by those nasty paperplanes of death, I suggest equipping Blind Eye instead.
Again just to reinforce the idea before anyone goes into the comments and starts flaming, going prone and hugging a wall won't save you from a Hunter Killer drone all the time, but it will give you a chance to survive.
Armed with that knowledge, give this a go and let us know in the comments if it works for you, alright?