If you’re reading this, then you’ve probably been directed to this page to find out about how you can work for Gameranx. We’re hiring specialist writers to cover specific games. We’re interested in broadening our coverage of certain games and game franchises. We’re looking for experts–you don’t have to be good at the game, but you do need to have a passion for it.
We want you to produce new content for us relating to your specialty game in the form of news updates and other possible features. We’ll need you to cover these titles as diligently as possible–if breaking news happens, you’ll need to get the story up fast.
If you’re a hardcore fan of one of these games and wish to write for us, please reach out to us with a sample of your writing.
– League of Legends
– Call of Duty
– Battlefield
– BioWare games (Mass Effect, Dragon Age)
– Standard proficiency in English (no kidding.)
– You can write at a reasonable speed.
– Be around to write news updates as it breaks. Use your phone if you have to.
– Be really, really into the game you’re covering. We’re looking for experts.
Interested? Contact Dennis at this address.