Destiny Might Incorporate Microtransactions
Destiny seems to be dodging any questions related to real-money upgrades.
Destiny seems to be dodging any questions related to real-money upgrades.
Says the similarity is 'not appreciated'.
Diablo 3 is playable in same-screen co-op on the PS3.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf sticks in second place.
Crytek's Roman-themed game could serve as the groundwork for sequels.
This is the most solid evidence we've seen for the Xbox One date yet.
Both offensive and defensive techniques have been added to Wild Hunt.
The 3DS title may make its way to next-gen consoles. #NoDRM Summer Sale overwhelms with bundles.
The Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pup will represent Gory Detail's most ambitious game.
Xbox Live users can download free games on the 1st and 16th of each month.
The future of F-Zero depends on Nintendo's staff size and Miyamoto's ideas.
Arcen Games outlines AI War: Fleet Command growth year over year.
MGS 5: The Phantom Pain revolves around the theme of loss.
The numbers coming from Amazon are pretty staggering.
There's still plenty of life in the Wii U, according to GameStop.
The 'flood gates are open' leaked GameStop memo says.
Let the medic operate.
The Fullbright Company's Gone Home will not be at PAX Prime this year.
Two new PS4 models have been certified in South Korea.
The Reclaimer Trilogy is now a 'saga'.
Square Enix announces leadership changes in key studios.
Call of Duty Ghosts has appeared on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.