Konami has shared some new details on what they are brewing for Metal Gear Solid Delta.

This information comes from the first episode of METAL GEAR – PRODUCTION HOTLINE #01, which Konami promises will be the first of many such streams where they will talk about making the game. We will use Metal Gear Network’s coverage of the stream, and recommend you follow them on Twitter.
On hand to address questions and reveal these details is Noriaki Okamura. His job is listed in the stream as production producer, but essentially, he has taken on Hideo Kojima’s old spot as the person in charge of the Metal Gear franchise.
Okamura once again intimated that “seeing some of the feedback was tough but if this is what the fans feel, I don’t blame them for sharing their honest opinions.”
Okamura also had interesting things to say when asked about the original production team. He made it clear that he would love to work with Kojima again on these games, as well as with the developers who originally made these games.
Interestingly, he then said that these former developers have new projects and commitments now. It suggests that Konami isn’t resistant to the idea of Kojima working on Metal Gear again. However, we may be reading too much into this, and Okamura may only be sharing his personal opinion.
Okamura also reassured fans that all the original developers would keep their credits on the original games. He revealed as well that some of those original developers, who includes Okamura himself, are working on these remakes now. But of course, Virtuos is working with them for Metal Gear Solid Delta in particular, and they have been very helpful with Unreal.
Now, to demonstrate how their work is honoring the original Metal Gear Solid 3, Konami showed footage of the Survival viewer and the James Bond-inspired start menu. Some fans were apparently concerned that this start menu would not make it to the remake, so this was hopefully reassuring.
We will share clips of this footage below, but it’s clear that they look more or less like the original. Thus far, Okamura’s group have demonstrated they meant it about honoring the original game.
Finally, Konami demonstrated four color filters that will be available to players. We were given previews of Normal, Legacy, Sepia, and Retro filters. Sepia and Retro output the game with strong yellow and purple filters, that change the hue and saturation of the game’s visuals completely.
Normal appears to be how the game looks by default, running in Unreal Engine 5. Finally, the Legacy filter looks a little greener, and seems to simulate how Metal Gear Solid 3 was originally rendered on the PlayStation 2.
It’s clear that Konami’s developers want to prove their passion for this Unreal remake is genuine, and really want to win the fans over. What they have seen so far is promising, but we won’t really know how well fans will respond to all of this until the game is finally in their hands.
Metal Gear Solid Delta is planned for 2024 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Windows via Steam.