Later today an event within Los Angeles will showcase the upcoming installment to the Final Fantasy franchise, Final Fantasy XV. However, it seems that two videos were already leaked online showcasing little bits of gameplay footage featuring a younger version of Noctis.
The news came from Gamespot after finding the videos online. According to their post, these two videos seemed to have made their way on YouTube after first being set on a Chinese video platform.
This first video showcases a bit of gameplay featuring the leading protagonist in Final Fantasy XV, Noctis. After stumbling upon the summon Carbuncle, the two joined forces and continued on their adventure filled path. While the gameplay sections are short, we do a get a bit of a glimpse into some of the world design details.
Unlike the first video, the second showcases more of the artwork which was created by Yoshitaka Amano. This is not the only piece of news that got leaked out ahead of the Square Enix event that will take place tonight in Los Angeles. Earlier a video teaser revealed that the game will be releasing on September 30 worldwide for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.