Naughty Dog have had a fairly successful few months: firstly Uncharted 3 received mostly fantastic reviews and sold better than many expected and then their new review, The Last of Us, has certainly caused its fair share of tongues wagging. But even before we actually know anything about that game, studio co-president Evan Wells has spoken to Eurogamer about the transition between consoles and what the future holds for Naughty Dog.
"When you're going to new technology," he said, "every day is a slog, progress is slow and it really takes a different kind of attitude and mentality to get through that kind of push and it's not right for everybody." That's certainly the case, in fact the transition between the PS2 and the PS3 nearly finished the studio. Wells says it was "the period that Naughty Dog had its darkest days and we lost people on a weekly basis – people just couldn't get through it".
Of course, the sensible amongst you might be wondering what the Uncharted team are up to, since the Last of Us is being built by a separate crew.
"Right now they're not working that much. Some of them are working mainly on DLC for multiplayer, and a lot of them are on vacation.
"I think the team's going to regroup and we're going to figure out what's going to be the next move is for that team. Next-gen, current-gen – that's totally in the air"
Ah, the teasing this studio does!