Hollywood has a really bad habit of taking our favourite games and running them into the ground. Luckily, however, there’s always talented fans out there who can give the studios a run for their money – is this Left 4 Dead fan film one of them?
The film, made by Northern Five Entertainment and sponsored by the guys from Airsoft GI, is actually a pretty solid tribute to Left 4 Dead, taking place after the tragic events of The Sacrifice campaign. Zoey, Louis and Francis continue on their fight for survival, and the whole thing is pretty solid and well played out. The trio even run into a Witch.
Then the film hits the six minute mark and things get a little bit… out there, even for a fan film.
I can’t say that’s how I expected or hoped it would end, and it takes the fan film from a well produced fan film to a very drawn out and somewhat deceiving ad for Airsoft GI’s replicas. All of a sudden the Airsoft GI sponsorship makes a lot more sense. That being said, however, it’s still a fairly fun watch, even if it doesn’t make a lot of sense.
Those first five minutes or so really make me wish a Left 4 Dead movie would happen, though.