What exactly does pre-beta mean? Today, the Final Fantasy XV developers took to the game’s forums to explain just what state FFXV is in, in terms of playability.
According to developer Satoshi Kitade, the game entered pre-beta at the end of October. What that means is that the development team can finally play the entire game from start to finish and see what the overall game looks like. However, there are a lot of aspects of gameplay that have yet to be finalized. It still needs a polish and the team will continue to adjust details until it’s suitable for release.
A few elements of the game, which Kitade did not name specifically, are still in the test stage and have not been implemented yet.
He did go on to say that most of the tweaks will focus on the second half of the game as the first half is almost completely polished. The team has people coming in to playtest the game as they figure out a solid pace.
Looks like a fall 2016 release may not feel so far off anymore.
To help you pass the time, take a look at our collection of screenshots from Final Fantasy XV.