This is a reviews roundup for Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Overall, Xenoblade Chronicles X received mostly positive reviews. There are a few perfect scores, but more 8s and 9s out of 10s, and some 7s. Monolith Soft mostly accomplishes what they set out to do with this ambitious RPG, but there are some issues.
Overall, Monolith set out to push Japanese RPGs forward with a large scale action RPG, seeing you literally colonize a planet. Every aspect of the game goes large, from combat mechanics, exploration, resource mining, to the many side stories, some of which affect each other. While the scale seems intimidating, tutorials have also been baked in such a way that you learn what you need to learn when you need to know it most of the time.
Issues reviewers found with the game include the UI, some tedious resource gathering, and the occasional frustration of trying to intuit where to go or what to do next. Mileage may vary on how some reviewers, and you personally, will feel about these issues.
Gamespot – 8/10
God is a Geek – 9/10
Eurogamer – Recommended
Jimquisition – 9/10
Hardcore Gamer – 4/5
Nintendo Enthusiast – 9.5/10
Polygon – 7/10
Nintendo World Report – 9/10
Destructoid – 9/10
Always Nintendo – 9.5/10
The Sixth Axis – 9/10
Gamerpros – 10/10
COG Connected – 9.6/10
Meristation – 9.3/10
Xenoblade Chronicles X will be releasing on December 2 exclusively for Wii U.