Fans have hacked Red Bull’s Destiny The Taken King, so that you will be able to access the content even without buying a Red Bull.
As a brief recap, Red Bull cans distributed from 7 Eleven convenience stores had a special code that gave gamers Focused Light, a one time consumable Bonus XP item. It also gives them access to an unnamed epic new quest. This new quest is a multi stage mission with speed and strategy elements.
Before we explain the hack, we would like to point out that these codes would potentially be stolen from people who bought Red Bull to redeem this promotion. It is also highly likely that The Taken King and the Red Bull exclusive content in it will eventually be made free to all players. This content itself will only be exclusive until January 1, 2016. We are sharing how to access the codes here, but do not endorse using this hack.
The hack is so simple it’s shocking that the people who made this promotion did not think that gamers would catch on. Players can make up an eight digit code, using the numbers 3,4, and 7, as well as the letters X, C, and K. Any combination and arrangement of numbers and letters will work, so long as there are two letters in the code, no more and no less.
Fans have vouched that the hack works. One fan bought a can and found that the code on it has been stolen. Of course, more fans have managed to get the code into the site and redeem the content.