This has been a tough year for many of us all around the world. With the health pandemic outbreak causing issues to constantly keep us locked inside and changing plans with hopes that normalcy return, there’s been a hunger for entertainment. These trying times have already made consoles a hot ticket item. Players stuck inside or working remotely have taken to video game consoles with some units being tough to find such as the Nintendo Switch.
However, 2020 was also an anticipated year for the video game industry. We knew that this would be the year that both Sony and Microsoft would bring out their next-generation console platforms. Both console platforms have already released with the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S making their debut this month. With that said, you will find it difficult to actually come across a unit in the wild. A few things are working against this console launch. For starters we’re still dealing with a health pandemic, this means that there are consumers eager for some entertainment. Likewise, this is being launched during the holiday season with most retailers forcing players to purchase these items online rather than in-store.
As a result, the PlayStation 5 was very quick to sell out online. However, the real reason some consumers are finding it difficult to find a unit is resellers. These groups are quick to find the latest and greatest products to purchase and flip online for a price increase. It’s not something many looks at fondly, but it’s a reality that we have to live with. It’s even difficult for measures to be put in place to prevent this thing from happening so when a new report came out from Business Insider that a reseller group has over 3,000 units the PlayStation 5, this might have turned a few consumers stomachs.
The PlayStation 5 in the UK is incredibly scarce, but if you go online, units are being sold for over double the retail price. One of those groups is bound to make quite a bit of money according to the Business Insider report. A group that goes by the name of CrepChiefNotify has apparently over 3,000 units that they managed to purchase at launch from either the members directly or mainly through the use of bots. These bots are used to quickly purchase stock instantly leaving it impossible for some consumers to get their hands on a unit.