A huge study consisting of over 11,000 children in the UK has found no association between playing video games to the development of mood problems in later life.
The study was part of the UK Millennium Cohort Study and was originally published in the British Medical Journal and sought to explore how exposure to video games affected children's psychosocial development over a period of years.
The study included that exposure to video games from as early as the age of five was shown to have no affect on behavior, attention, or emotional issues. Neither television nor video games caused any related problems and there was no difference between boys and girls in the survey.
Interestingly enough, the study shows that watching more than three hours of TV a day at the age of five did lead to a small increase in behavioral problems in children between the ages of five to seven.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, the study exhibits that video games have little to no negative impact whatsoever on children and the development of their minds.
via IGN UK and Games and Learning.