Many fans expressed their disappointment with Mass Effect 3 upon its due to the way the series ended. Fans were taken aback by the late addition of the so-called "star child" and how little relevance the ending had to the rest of the trilogy. By taking control away, and forcing the player to pick a color-coded choice for the game's ending, fans were understandably dismayed.
Speaking in a new interview (via PixelEnemy), the co-founder of BioWare said that he "can understand completely" why the fans were disappointed in the game.
"The passion and level of engagement was so high that it makes it very hard to solve every scenario you wanted to solve at the end of it…I always still sincerely think it’s because [the fans] really really care about what we make," he said in the interview with IGN. "It’s not random. It’s like, they may be disappointed when they can’t get the choice they want because they’re so intimate with their story or their character or their game. If it’s not just the way they want it, it’s not right. So it’s a very hard thing to reconcile, but the reality is, I can understand completely where it can come from."
While no longer a part of BioWare, Zeschuk played a heavy role in steering some of the studio's most influential games including Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire.
It only remains to be seen whether BioWare learned from the fan outrage in Mass Effect 3 and give the fans what they truly want in their upcoming games.